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How to paint wall with your little friend // Hogyan fessünk falat Atti barátunkkal
It will be a quite long post, but I really glad that I've got this lot pictures of a wall-painting process.The first step to make a good picture you need to find the best person for working together. I was lucky at this point.
Ez a bejegyzés az átlagosnál kicsit hosszabb lesz, de nagyon hálás vagyok, hogy ilyen sok képet kaptam a nyári falfestésről.
Az első legfontosabb lépés, h. jó kép készüljön, h. az ember megtalálja a tökéletes partnert az együttműködéshez. Én nagyon szerencsés voltam, hiszen Atti barátom társult ebben a vállalkozásban (és ígérte h. ha nagy lesz, együtt fogunk festeni! )
We were drawing the pencil lines to the wall following our sketches. We really had to focus on our job.
Felrajzoltuk a ceruza vonalakat a vázlataink alapján. Nagyon kellett figyelnünk, arra h. mit csinálunk.
Then we mixed the right colours from the three prime colours. We can do magic easily!!!
Aztán kikevertük a megfelelő színeket a három alapszínből. Simán tudunk varázsolni!!!
One of us did the hard job, and the other one was controlling the whole process, and told what to do.
Egyikünk végezte a piszkos munkát, a másikunk meg ellenőrizte az egész folyamatot, és irányította a munkát.
Sometimes Atti (the smaller of us) needed to show what was exactly the job.
Néha Atti kénytelen volt megmutatni, hogy pontosan mi is a feladat.
After a while things was going on their own way.
Egy idő után már maguktól mentek a dolgok.
My friend was getting tired of the hard work, so he had to had a short nap.
Attit lefárasztotta a nehéz alkotó munka, és elvonult egy kis pihenőre.
The rest of the job was easy as a pie.
A munka hátralévő része már gyerekjáték volt :) .
This is how easy to make a wall-painting!
Nos, ilyen egyszerű falfestést készíteni!
igen, egyszerűnek tűnik, ha az embernek ilyen jó társai vannak a nagy munkákban : )
atti for president
Nagyon jó látni, hogyan készül a falfestés!
Egyszerű a recept: végy egy Attikát, egy fehér falat, adj hozzá egy Íriszt, hagy őket magukra néhány órára, és kész a szuper gyerekszoba fal! :)))
Ezt bárki meg tudja csinálni, ha rendelkezésére állnak a fenti "hozzávalók".
Nagyon jó lett a fal, és a képek is!
wonderful pics - and having such a dedicated helping hand really makes all the difference :) Thanks for your blogs, I enjoy reading and looking at them all the time!
Ahhh, if only so easy. If only you could come paint Emerson's walls.
This is darling, Irisz!
Yeah. I have done this before and it can be a real challenge. I don't even think I have any photos of the finished work but, I over did the thing. your approach looks much easier... I might try it again this way someday.
I love seeing the series of pictures. It looks like you've created magic on the walls!
that is so much fun---and the result is soo cute and pretty. my favorite would be the flying pig.
I love how your illustrative drawing style transferred so beautifully to a larger scale on the wall.
Hát ez nagyon tetszik nekem! :-)
Milyen festékkel készítetted? És mennyi idő volt?
Temperával csináltam és olyan három - öt óra közt vhogy.
I love it! I've painted a few walls but I don't think they've turned out as well as this. Maybe I should've tried using a paint brush rather than a roller. :P Nice stuff.
it`s soo beutifull :)
Loved it!
Gotta try... but, what kind of paint did you use?
I used gouache, and I always use just the three prime colours and white. I mix all the other colours from them.
But it is not the most perfect medium.
The best if you use the proper coloring materials for wall paint. At here you can buy it in small amounts, so you can use it for painting smaller areas not just whole rooms.
What a fun mural. I love it! How long did it take?
oh my Irisz if I documented myself to a wall painting it would be much longer than this! all the mistakes, the frustrations, the leaving it and coming back. I wish you could make something so wonderful for me. You are very talented.
this was the best wall-painting-work that I´ve "watched". Congratulations, you are so sweet.
Nagyon tetszenek a rajzaid.
Imádom őket.
Oh, I like the result ! I enjoyed going down the page to discover it !
Well done !
fabulous !!
Thank hou for sharing this with us! The finished painting is adorable, and the process pictures are such fun! I'll bet he just loves his new walls!
Wow, what a fun mural! I love seeing the wall evolve -- how adorable!
That is so beautiful! Wish I were a kid and could have that on my wall.
That is just wonderful!
I love it and want one in my room!
The room turned out so charming. And I just love seeing the progression of your work along with the contributions from both artists (small and large). Looks so fun.
very nice, when I look at the painting it makes me smile..
What do you think about these paintings? -
Hát ez valami elképesztően gyönyörű lett!:)
I find it absolutely fantastic! Congratulations for your talent, I really admire your work and enjoy a lot when gazing at them!!!
Thanks for sharing, it is wonderful! :)))
The room turned out so charming. And I just love seeing the progression of your work along with the contributions from both artists (small and large). Looks so fun.
I admire the valuable information you provide in your articles. I'll mark your blog and see my friends here often. I'm sure you will learn many new things here than anyone else!
This is adorable. You are so creative.
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