Tuesday, August 10, 2010

7 differences // 7 különbség

This is a sample for designing own characters, the first sketch is after a photo, and then my own lion.

Egy egyszerű példa a saját karakter alakítására, az első vázlat egy fotó alapján készült, a második kép már a saját oroszlánom a vázlat után.


pupu said...

i tried to make a character and i ended up with sketch of real one. erk. haha

Zoe Alexander UK said...

That's clever. It has character & life to it! It looks like a lion with attitude!

Ryan said...

Great poost thanks

카지노사이트 said...

Thank you for always writing good things.

파워볼사이트 said...

Great blog site. Keep up the good work!

슬롯사이트 said...

It was a great show , really enjoyed it

파워볼사이트 said...

A very well article written . Keep up the good work!

안전놀이터 said...

i have to say this thing you have did good and nice

파워볼사이트 said...

Thanks so much for your helpful tips!